Chapter 1101: A Difficult Decision

Dustin warned, “I’m afraid you’ll be in danger if I don’t come back.”

He flicked his fingers, and another silver needle shot out.

Caden, who had been struggling just moments ago, was now completely immobilized.

Lily pleaded, “Hey there, young fellow, you’re skilled in medicine, right? Could you please help my Dear?”

Dustin replied with a hint of regret, “I’m sorry, but my medical skills are limited. I can’t compare to Mr. Tanaka. You should seek his assistance.”

“Mr. Tanaka?” Lily glanced at the lifeless body in the corner, feeling somewhat embarrassed. If Mr. Tanaka could really cure her Dear, he wouldn’t have lost his life.

Lily apologized sincerely, “Young man, I apologize for my earlier behavior. I hope you don’t take it to heart.”

She knew Dustin had abilities, but compared to Mr. Tanaka, he lacked some reputation. At first, she had made an unreasonable decision.

Now that Mr. Tanaka was deceased, Dustin was their only hope.

Shiela looked pitiful and pleaded, “Dustin, my dad has lost his sanity. Please, save him.”

Dustin nodded slightly. “I’ll help one more time for your sake.”

He owed a favor to General Murray and couldn’t stand by idly.

“Thank you, Dustin!” Shiela was overjoyed.

Garrett couldn’t hold back and tried to sow discord, “Aunt, do you really want Dustin to treat him? Even Mr. Tanaka couldn’t help. What makes you think he can?”

Vivian expressed her distrust, “You’re right! If we let this guy treat him, who knows what might happen?”

Chase added fuel to the fire, “I’m worried that if this guy causes any harm to Uncle Caden, who will be responsible?”

Lily shook her head and said, “At this point, we have no other choice. His life is at stake.”

Garrett emphasized, “Aunt, we should prioritize safety. Letting Uncle risk his life is not the right move.”

Vivian earnestly advised, “Yeah, Aunt Lily, even the renowned doctor from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix couldn’t do anything. What can these mediocre doctors from the Dragonmarsh accomplish? Don’t be fooled!”

Lily sighed and said, “After saying so much, do any of you have a better idea?”

With that question, everyone fell silent, realizing they had no better alternatives.

Lily’s frustration showed as she declared, “Since none of you have a solution, please be quiet and don’t disturb Dustin while he treats the patient.”

Dustin asked, “Before I begin, I need everyone unrelated to the treatment to leave. It could affect my concentration.”

He glanced at Vivian and the others. “Stop staring around; yes, it’s all of you. Please leave.”

Vivian was taken aback and grew furious, asking, “What? You want us to leave? Who do you think you are to boss us around? You’re just a nobody!”

Lily supported Dustin’s request with a cold face, saying, “Dustin’s request is my request. Do you have any objections?”

Vivian froze, feeling at a loss. She hadn’t expected this turn of events. The situation had taken an unexpected twist.

Garrett huffed and finally turned to leave, giving Lily some face.

Chapter 1102: The Treatment

With no flies buzzing around, Dustin, after knocking out Caden with a swift strike, began to focus on the treatment.

Caden’s condition was a result of practicing forbidden techniques, causing an overuse of life force, damage to his meridians, and harm to his organs.

The recent altercation with Mr. Tanaka had exacerbated his condition.

At this moment, Caden resembled an overinflated balloon that could burst at any moment if not handled carefully.

Dustin used silver needles to puncture specific acupuncture points, stabilizing his Internal energy and blood first. Then, he used his true Internal energy (energy) to clear blocked meridians and repair damaged areas.

Further treatment would require medication.

Time passed gradually.

Silver needles fell one by one from Dustin’s hands onto Caden’s body.

Starting with the head, then the chest, and finally the abdomen, Dustin meticulously inserted the needles, making Caden look like a porcupine.

After the needle treatment, Dustin extended his fingers and lightly flicked them, causing the numerous silver needles to vibrate and rotate. Strands of profound and pure Internal energy followed the needles, rapidly entering Caden’s various acupuncture points.

This process continued for about an incense stick’s worth of time.

When Dustin’s forehead started to sweat slightly, he finally stopped infusing Internal energy.

In the end, he waved his hand and instantly collected all the silver needles.

“Is it over?” Lily asked, her brow furrowing with uncertainty.

Caden still lay on the hospital bed, showing no signs of waking up.

“He was just knocked unconscious. He’ll wake up in a while,” Dustin assured.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote a prescription, handing it to Lily. “Follow this prescription to gather the herbs. Boil them into three portions and drink them consecutively for seven days. That should lead to a complete recovery.”

“Understood,” Lily accepted the prescription and glanced at it before instructing someone to gather the herbs.

Dustin added one more serious warning, “One more thing, Caden’s condition was caused by practicing Soul-Devouring Technique. He almost lost his life. When he regains consciousness, make sure to advise him not to practice such forbidden arts again. Otherwise, his condition might relapse, and even immortals won’t be able to save him.”

“I understand. I’ll talk to him seriously,” Lily nodded earnestly.

“Alright, my task is done. I won’t linger here any longer. Farewell,” Dustin politely bid farewell and prepared to leave.

“Dustin, I’ll walk you out,” Shiela hurriedly offered.

“No need. Take good care of your father here. If you have any questions, you can contact me anytime,” Dustin replied with a slight smile before turning and exiting the room.

After a while, Garrett and the others returned to the hospital room.

“Aunt, I just saw Dustin leave. Has Uncle’s illness been cured?” Garrett inquired cautiously.

“It should be,” Lily replied uncertainly.

“If it’s cured, why hasn’t he woken up yet?” Garrett questioned.

“Aunt, could you have been deceived? That guy is clearly bluffing, knowing his limitations. That’s why he made a quick escape,” Vivian suggested with a wise look.

“It’s very likely! People like this, who deceive for money, stop at nothing!” Chase added indignantly.

“Don’t make baseless accusations! Dustin is not a fraud!” Shiela protested, feeling displeased.

“Shiela, you’re too naive. You don’t understand how wicked people can be,” Garrett shook his head.

“Exactly, Shiela, don’t let Dustin’s smooth talk fool you. If he really had the skills, why didn’t he cure Uncle Caden earlier?” Vivian questioned.

“My dad’s illness has already been cured. He’ll wake up after a short rest,” Shiela argued.

“Hmph! Do you really believe this nonsense? If Uncle Caden wakes up today, I’ll jump off the hospital roof!” Vivian vowed solemnly.

As soon as she uttered these words, Caden, who had been in a deep slumber, seemed to sense something and suddenly opened his eyes.

Chapter 1103: Doubts Arise


Witnessing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, especially Vivian, who was left completely flabbergasted, wearing a look of disbelief.

Had her words somehow possessed magical powers? Did she speak him into waking up?

“He’s awake! My dad is awake!” Shiela cheered and jumped for joy.

“He actually woke up? Could that young man really possess such extraordinary medical skills?” The group exchanged bewildered glances, genuinely surprised.

The fact that a condition that had stumped even Mr. Tanaka had been cured by an unknown youngster was entirely unexpected.

“Vivian, what do you think now? Do you realize how capable Brother Dustin is?” Shiela’s gaze shifted toward Vivian, a hint of pride and arrogance in her expression.

“Um…” Vivian felt embarrassed, her neck turning red. She had just vowed to jump off the roof, but it seemed like she had been proven wrong too quickly.

“What happened? How did I get here?”

Caden, puzzled, struggled to sit up, feeling pain all over his body, as if he had been pricked with needles.

As if he had been pricked with needles…

“Father! You were in a life-threatening situation because you were possessed by evil powers. Dustin saved you!” Shiela approached and narrated the events in detail.

After hearing the story, Caden immediately frowned. “Dustin saved me? How is that possible?”

“It’s true!” Shiela replied seriously. “If it weren’t for Dustin’s intervention, you might have already been in your coffin.”

“Something’s not right; there’s something fishy about this.”

After careful consideration, Caden suddenly said, “If even Mr. Tanaka couldn’t cure my illness, how could that kid Dustin possibly do it? I don’t believe he’s that capable!”

He and Dustin had a longstanding feud. How could Dustin have saved him?

There must be a conspiracy!

“Dad, the facts are right in front of you. What’s so hard to accept?” Shiela furrowed her brows, finding her father somewhat unreasonable.

She felt that her father was being overly skeptical.

“Silly girl, people’s hearts are treacherous. You can’t just take things at face value.”

Caden analyzed with a tone of self-assurance, “I’ve been practicing martial arts since I was young, and I’ve always been healthy. How could I suddenly fall seriously ill? If my guess is correct, that kid Dustin must have been up to something!

First, he secretly drugged me, causing me to become seriously ill and nearly die. Then, he appears as a savior, saving my life. From that point on, he becomes a great benefactor of the Murray family, using this opportunity to climb to new heights.

This kid is truly wicked!”

As he spoke, Caden clenched his teeth and was filled with resentment.

Just yesterday, they had a conflict, and now today, he was in this condition. He strongly suspected that Dustin had played a hand in this!

“Dad! You’re talking nonsense! Dustin is not that kind of person!” Shiela tried to defend Dustin.

“I think Uncle makes a good point,” Garrett chimed in with a serious expression. “We should always be vigilant. A newcomer like Dustin could do anything to secure a better position, even stage a drama.”

“That’s right! Everything makes sense now. Dustin probably drugged Uncle Caden and then saved him to gain power and prestige. Such a person is truly despicable!” Vivian clenched her teeth, seething with anger.

“He used such a devious method! His heart is filled with malice!”

“This person must be eliminated; there is no place for him in the world!”

One by one, the group expressed their opinions, condemning Dustin as if he were a despicable criminal.

Chapter 1104: Doubts and Opposition

“That’s not the deal, folks!” Shiela shook her head, trying to clear the misunderstanding. “Believe me, Dustin is no bad guy. Don’t jump to conclusions!”

But her family and friends didn’t buy it. Caden, her dad, insisted, “You’re too young to see through people. Some hide their true selves well. Only folks like me, with a keen eye, can spot their hidden agendas.”

Agreeing with him, others chimed in, warning her, “Don’t be fooled by him, Shiela. Dustin clearly has ulterior motives.”

However, Shiela remained firm, “I don’t believe it! Dustin would never harm anyone!”

Despite her protests, her loved ones continued to doubt Dustin’s intentions, which distressed her to the point of tears. She turned to Lily, her mom, for support, “Mom, you saw everything, right? You can vouch for Dustin, can’t you?”

Lily tried to mediate, “Could there be some misunderstanding?”

But Caden dismissed her with impatience, “What? Do you think I’m wrong or don’t believe me?”

Lily chose to remain silent. She couldn’t afford to upset her Dear over Dustin, even if she thought he was hasty.

Seeing her daughter’s distress, she offered some advice, “Shiela, love can be blinding. Some people are not what they seem. It’s crucial to listen to your family and friends.”

Frustrated, Shiela said, “You’re all wrong! I won’t listen to this nonsense!”

Torn between her loved ones and her feelings for Dustin, she felt overwhelmed and rushed out of the room.

After she left, Lily considered chasing after her, but Caden stopped her, “Let her cool down on her own. She needs to learn to grow up and not be so stubborn.”

Lily sighed, “I hope she’ll come to understand eventually.”

In her eyes, love could lead to trouble, and she’d seen too many people get hurt chasing after it recklessly.

Chapter 1105: A Shocking Disappearance

As the night grew darker, Shiela found herself sobbing under a dimly lit streetlamp after running out of the hospital. Her cries echoed, elongating her shadow on the pavement.

She didn’t care about Dustin’s status or power; she simply liked him for who he was. She couldn’t fathom why everyone was against them. Did two people in love really have to be from the same social class?

“Why? Why is this happening?” She whispered to herself in despair.

Suddenly, a black van with fake plates screeched to a halt by the side of the road. The door slid open, and a group of masked men in dark attire swiftly disembarked, surrounding Shiela.

“Who are you? What do you want?” She said cautiously, taking a step back.

“Miss Murray, our master would like to see you. Please come with us,” the leader of the masked group said politely with a slight bow, extending a hand as if offering assistance.

“I’m not going anywhere! Get away from me!” Shiela retreated, her guard up.

“Capture her!” the leader ordered with a hand signal. The masked men rushed forward and swiftly tied her up.

“Let go of me! Let go of me now!” Shiela screamed as they forcibly dragged her towards the van.

“Miss Murray, we apologize for this inconvenience, but we must take you with us,” the leader said calmly as they bundled her into the van.

With a sudden rev of the engine, the van sped away, leaving behind one of Shiela’s kicked-off shoes on the deserted street.

Back at Zypher Lodge, Dustin was enjoying a drink with his comrades from the Kirin Gang. They had been celebrating his appointment as the new head of the Yanlong Hall, a position previously held by Nelson Horst.

Late into the night, Dustin’s phone rang abruptly. Answering it, he heard a stranger’s voice, “Is this Mr. Dustin? Your girlfriend, Shiela, is in my hands. If you want to ensure her safety, bring the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom (Cherusia) to the North Steel Factory. I’ll be waiting. Remember, come alone.”

The call ended abruptly, and Dustin received a video shortly afterward. In the video, Shiela was suspended in the air, looking disheveled, surrounded by menacing figures.

After watching the video, Dustin’s face darkened. He hadn’t expected trouble right after leaving the hospital. It was clear that Shiela’s kidnapping had been meticulously planned.

“Continue drinking, I need to take care of something,” Dustin said to his companions, his expression turning grave.

As he left the villa, he couldn’t help but wonder who could be behind this kidnapping and why they were after the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom (Cherusia).

Chapter 1106: Dustin’s Standoff

Inside the abandoned steel factory, Shiela hung there, bound tightly and blindfolded, unconscious after being struck.

Meanwhile, Tatsuharu Nakamura, dressed in fancy attire, savored wine and relished a top-notch steak, displaying an aristocratic aura as he enjoyed his meal.

A burly warrior in red approached and informed Sir Nakamura, “Master, time’s ticking, and the target hasn’t shown up. Looks like they’re too scared.”

Tatsuharu Nakamura didn’t rush, saying, “Let’s wait a bit longer. Dustin has a strong connection with Shiela, and I believe he’ll come to her rescue.”

One of the warriors suggested, “What if Dustin is reluctant to give up the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom. Should we storm Zypher Lodge and take it by force?”

Tatsuharu Nakamura’s face darkened. “That would be foolish. Zypher Lodge hides numerous skilled experts. Even if we succeed, we’d suffer heavy losses. Dragonmarsh warriors’ lives can’t be compared to our noble warriors of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. Their lives are expendable.”

“But, Master, Dragonmarsh warriors are weaklings. You’re giving them too much credit,” the warrior argued, his disdain clear.

Tatsuharu Nakamura’s contempt for Dragonmarsh warriors was apparent, considering their history of subjugation for decades.

“While Dragonmarsh warriors may be weak individually, their numbers pose a threat. Even a fierce tiger should beware a pack of wolves,” Tatsuharu Nakamura cautioned.

“Understood,” the warrior reluctantly agreed, although he still held a condescending view of the Dragonmarsh warriors.

Moments later, Dustin’s cold and indifferent voice echoed, seemingly coming from all directions.

“Who’s there?” The group became alert, scanning their surroundings.

Tap, tap, tap… accompanied by faint footsteps, a tall figure emerged from the darkness.

It was Dustin, who had arrived just in time.

“Mr. Dustin, you’ve finally come. We’ve been waiting for you,” Tatsuharu Nakamura greeted him with a polite smile.

“Who are you people?” Dustin looked around.

Around the factory, about twenty to thirty people were hidden, with five of them being experts at the innate level, while the rest were at the pinnacle of inner strength.

This force was formidable enough to challenge the aristocratic families in the provincial capital.

“I am Tatsuharu Nakamura. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Tatsuharu Nakamura replied with a slight nod.

“Sir Nakamura? You’re from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?” Dustin quickly deduced.


Tatsuharu Nakamura didn’t mince words. “I’ve heard that you possess a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom. I’m interested in acquiring it. I’m willing to pay a substantial sum. I hope you can bear to part with it.”

“Dragonmarsh people speak nicely, but unfortunately, I can’t give it to you,” Dustin replied firmly.

“What? Mr. Dustin, do you think I can’t afford it? Just name your price, and I won’t haggle,” Tatsuharu Nakamura offered.

“I detest being threatened. Your method of luring me here has crossed my boundaries. Therefore, no matter how much you offer, I won’t sell it to you,” Dustin declared coldly.

“Is that so?”

Upon hearing Dustin’s words, Tatsuharu Nakamura’s expression darkened, though he soon forced a smile. “Mr. Dustin, I admit that I handled this matter poorly. I’m willing to apologize to you. As long as you’re willing to sell me the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom, everything can be negotiated.”

“It seems you still haven’t understood. I’ll say it once more: You don’t have the qualifications to possess the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom. Even if I were to feed it to my dog, I still wouldn’t sell it to you!” Dustin stated firmly.

With these words, Tatsuharu Nakamura’s face instantly turned grim.

Chapter 1107: Dustin’s Fury

“Go to hell!” The red-clad warrior couldn’t contain his anger and drew the katana from his waist, showing clear intentions of attacking.

“Mr. Dustin, we have a saying in our nation: ‘A wise man knows when to yield.’ Hand over the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom, and I’ll release both of you. If you dare to refuse, there’s only one way out—death!” Tatsuharu Nakamura threatened.

“Just because of you are many, you think you can kill me? Do you have that ability?” Dustin sneered.

“You don’t believe it? You can try.” Tatsuharu Nakamura snapped his fingers.

“Kill!” The red-clad warrior responded and immediately approached Dustin with his katana, his lips curled in a contemptuous smile. “You Dragonmarsh people are all weaklings, only good at boasting. Today, I’ll teach you a lesson!”

“What did you just say?” Dustin’s face turned cold, and his murderous intent surged.

About eighty years ago, the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix did indeed have the upper hand in Dragonmarsh for a period. At that time, Dragonmarsh had just experienced a war, was weakened, and considered inferior, earning them the derogatory title of ‘East Empire weaklings.’

Although Dragonmarsh had since risen to power after decades of development, that period of humiliation was unforgettable.

Hearing that shameful label again, any hot-blooded man would find it intolerable.

“Oh? Getting angry, are you?” The red-clad warrior chuckled. “You Dragonmarsh people are forever destined to be beneath us. Eighty years ago, it was the same, and it remains so now. You’re all inferior races, the lowest of the low, like slaves. You should kneel before us, begging for mercy. While you may be beneath us, I must admit, your women are incredibly beautiful. After I kill this ‘Eastern weakling,’ I’ll go and enjoy your woman. No, I’ll take her in front of you and humiliate her! Hahaha…”

As he spoke, the red-clad warrior burst into boisterous laughter.

He was extremely arrogant, thoroughly insolent.

The surrounding black-clad warriors joined in the laughter, their faces filled with pride and self-satisfaction.

In their eyes, the lowly Dragonmarsh warriors couldn’t compare to the noble warriors of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.

“You—really looking for death!”

Watching the warriors laugh recklessly, Dustin’s fury flared, and he was brimming with killing intent.

In an instant, his body shot forward like a bullet, his fist aimed at the red-clad warrior.

“Die!” The red-clad warrior roared, drawing his katana and slashing down heavily toward Dustin’s head.

His katana was forged for elite warriors, capable of cutting through steel like butter. Moreover, it was longer than his opponent’s body, while Dustin was unarmed—charging in like this was equivalent to seeking death.


The red-clad warrior’s katana struck Dustin’s head with full force.

However, to everyone’s astonishment, Dustin remained unscathed, and it was the katana, made of high-quality steel, that shattered into two pieces.

“What?!” The red-clad warrior’s pupils constricted in shock, his expression filled with disbelief.

He had never dreamed that a human head could be tougher than a sword.


A muffled sound.

Before the red-clad warrior could react, Dustin’s fist pierced through his chest.

Chapter 1108: The Unseen Power

Dustin’s fist struck the red-clad warrior’s chest and exited through his back, leaving a trail of spilled blood.


The red-clad warrior froze, stunned. He lowered his head, looking at the fist that had pierced through him, disbelief written all over his face.

Weren’t people from Dragonmarsh considered weaklings in East Empire?

Weren’t Dragonmarsh warriors thought to be a bunch of pushovers?


Why was this guy in front of him so incredibly powerful?

With shock, fear, and frustration, the red-clad warrior ultimately collapsed to the ground, meeting his end with bitterness.

“You asked for it!”

Dustin, his face cold and still seething, didn’t hold back his anger. He delivered a heavy kick to the head of the fallen red-clad warrior.


A loud explosion echoed through the area.

The red-clad warrior’s head burst like a watermelon, leaving nothing intact.

Dustin had always been swift in dispatching his foes, never one to indulge in postmortem cruelty. However, the red-clad warrior’s words had thoroughly enraged him.


Seeing this scene, Nakamura’s complexion couldn’t help but change. He hadn’t expected Dustin to be this powerful, and the red-clad warrior’s strength was comparable to that of Dragonmarsh’s top martial artists.

Such a formidable adversary had been defeated with a single punch, which was truly astonishing.

“Get him!”

Witnessing their comrade’s death, the warriors from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix drew their swords, and among them, four red-clad warriors were all experts in their own right.

Adding to that, there were more than twenty peak Inner Energy practitioners, their aura brimming with power.

“Kill him!”

Without hesitation, Nakamura issued a command to attack with deadly intent. Their initial plan of capturing Dustin alive seemed unfeasible now.

When facing genuine experts, one had to go all out, or there would be a risk of failure.


The warriors brandished their swords and charged at Dustin.

Dustin stomped his foot, and a katana lying by a corpse sprung into his hand with precision.

“You’re all going down!”

Dustin showed no mercy, wielding the katana with one hand and delivering a sweeping strike.


A white blade aura shot out like a gigantic scythe, slashing towards the oncoming foes.

The black-clothed warriors at the front hadn’t even reacted before the blade aura pierced through them.

The four red-clad warriors reacted swiftly, raising their swords to block.

“Clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Amidst the sound of clashing steel, the red-clad warriors’ swords were instantly severed, and Dustin’s blade aura continued unabated, easily passing through all four.

Finally, with a resounding “Bang,” it demolished a wall.

The warriors struck by the blade aura stood motionless, as if petrified, unable to move.

In the next moment, copious amounts of blood sprayed out as their bodies were cleanly bisected at the waist, completely separating their upper and lower halves.

They collapsed to the ground, lifeless and in pieces.

“A single strike?!”

Nakamura was left dumbfounded, his face filled with shock.

Just one strike had taken down over twenty formidable warriors.

Chapter 1109: Confrontation of Truth

Nakamura: Is this guy some kind of monster?!!

Dustin: “It’s your turn!”

Dustin suddenly raised his head, his piercing gaze fixed on Nakamura, who was trembling with fear.

Nakamura: “Mr. Dustin, let’s talk this out. There’s no need for violence. I’ll return your woman to you, and I’ll leave immediately. I promise I won’t appear before you again,” Nakamura stammered, trying to appease Dustin.

He had carefully planned everything, preparing over twenty powerful warriors, but they couldn’t withstand a single strike from Dustin. This man was terrifying!

Dustin: “From the moment you kidnapped her, your fate was sealed. It’s too late for these words now,” Dustin said, his expression unwavering, as he slowly raised his sword.

Garrett: “Stop!”

At that moment, a furious shout echoed at the doorway.

“You arrived just in time. These Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix people intended to kidnap Shiela and harm her. You should arrest them and deal with them accordingly,” Dustin pointed to the bodies on the ground.

Garrett: “Shut up! You have no say here!”

Garrett’s eyes narrowed, then he turned his gaze to Nakamura, looking surprised. “Nakamura, what are you doing here?”

Nakamura: “Garrett, it’s you?” Nakamura was taken aback. He had met Garrett during their study abroad days, and though they weren’t close friends, they had a decent rapport.

“Nakamura, what brings you here?” Garrett asked, perplexed.

“I…,” Nakamura stuttered, momentarily at a loss for words. He couldn’t admit to his actions, as it would mean certain death.

“He won’t talk, so I’ll tell you,” Dustin interjected. “Nakamura kidnapped Shiela, had malicious intentions, and deserves punishment. Arrest him and interrogate him thoroughly to see if he has any accomplices.”

“Hmm?” Garrett furrowed his brow.

“Garrett, this seems like a misunderstanding. Don’t listen to his baseless accusations!” Nakamura began to defend himself, realizing that he couldn’t confess now, as it would spell certain doom.

“Nakamura, whether it’s true or not, I’ll investigate and make sure to reach a fair conclusion. I promise that I won’t wrong an innocent person or let a guilty one go free,” Garrett said, his face stern.

Dustin: “Evidence, you say?”

Dustin raised an eyebrow. “Do we need evidence when the facts are right in front of us?”

“I just walked in here and don’t know anything. Now, I’m asking you, do you have any evidence?” Garrett said with a composed expression.

Dustin: “Not enough?”

Dustin grabbed Nakamura and pulled out a cellphone from his pocket. After unlocking it and browsing for a moment, he quickly found the video of Nakamura threatening Shiela.

“Look carefully. This is a video taken by Nakamura, containing clear evidence. Now, who’s the villain and who’s the hero? Isn’t it obvious enough?” Dustin demanded.

Seeing this, Nakamura turned pale in an instant.

With irrefutable evidence now at hand, there was no room for denial.

Garrett: “Let me see…”

Garrett took the phone, carefully examining it. Soon, he furrowed his brow and grew serious.

After a moment, it seemed he had reached a conclusion. He took a deep breath and, pretending to stay calm, said, “What kidnapping video? It’s obviously fake. I warn you not to spout nonsense and slander Nakamura, or I won’t be lenient with you!”

As he spoke, he exerted force and crushed the phone.

This was undoubtedly an attempt to destroy evidence!

Chapter 1110: A Shocking Betrayal

Dustin: “Hmm?”

Watching the crushed phone, Dustin furrowed his brow, and his face darkened instantly.

He hadn’t expected Garrett to take such action, openly destroying evidence and shielding Nakamura in front of everyone. Did he treat Dustin as if he were invisible?

At this moment, even Nakamura was baffled. With evidence right before his eyes, he had thought he was done for. Yet, Garrett’s unexpected intervention had caught him off guard.

“Nakamura, you don’t need to worry. With me here, no one can harm you today,” Garrett said firmly, coming to Nakamura’s defense.

Garrett didn’t care about Shiela being kidnapped, but if he could use this opportunity to gain favor with Nakamura, it would be a wise choice. After all, the Sir Nakamura family ranked among the top ten in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.

“With you, Garrett, as my advocate, I feel at ease,” Nakamura quickly responded.

Since Garrett had proactively shown goodwill, Nakamura decided to go along with it, accepting this favor.

Dustin: “Garrett, it seems like you’re going to collude with Nakamura?”

Dustin’s expression turned frosty. He had captured the culprit, provided evidence, and now, Garrett not only failed to punish the wrongdoer but also deliberately twisted the truth and shielded him. Moreover, Garrett had gone as far as destroying evidence. Such a despicable and servile act was an affront to the reputation of the Garrett family.

Garrett: “Dustin, you have no evidence, yet you dare to slander Nakamura. You truly have the audacity!”

Garrett retorted, “Furthermore, I have reason to suspect that the video you just showed is a fabricated piece of evidence. You are the true kidnapper of Shiela!”

“Are you blind? Can’t you see the bodies of all these Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors?” Dustin couldn’t help but curse.

This guy not only protected the guilty party but also turned the tables, even going so far as to destroy evidence.

Such base and shameless behavior was absolutely outrageous!

Garrett: “Hmph! Nakamura and the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors came here to rescue Shiela and promote friendship between our nations. However, you, upon being exposed, react with anger and kill Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors. Now, you are the culprit in the eyes of both nations!”

Garrett spoke righteously, skillfully placing a colossal accusation squarely on Dustin’s shoulders.

Dustin: “Hehe… What a master of deception, twisting right and wrong.”

Dustin couldn’t help but laugh. “Garrett, as a legitimate heir of the Garrett family, you should have more integrity and courage than an average person. However, you’d rather serve as a lapdog for the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. Your kind is a disgrace to the Murray family’s reputation!”



With these words, people angrily berated Dustin.

They glared at him with righteous indignation.

“Bastard! We always knew you weren’t a good person, but we never expected you to kidnap Shiela! You’re worse than an animal!”

“Exactly! If it weren’t for Mr. Sir Nakamura’s timely intervention, Shiela might have already been violated by you, you beast!”

“Vile scum! You should be captured and severely punished! People like you deserve harsh torture!”

The group of young men and women expressed their outrage, unequivocally assuming Dustin’s guilt.

Dustin: “Garrett! You conspire with villains, distort the truth, and shield criminals! Your behavior is an affront to the Garrett family’s honor.”

“Dustin! You are hereby ordered to surrender immediately and apologize to Nakamura. Otherwise, you will face the consequences!” Garrett declared coldly.

A powerless nobody, what else could he do but bow down to those in power?

Dustin: “Garrett, I underestimated your despicable nature.”

Dustin’s icy gaze swept over everyone, and he finally settled on Garrett. “Seeing how skilled you are at this, it’s clear that this isn’t your first time. Unfortunately for you, you picked the wrong person to cross today. Do you think a few words can frame me, or do you believe you can stand up to me?”

Garrett: “What’s this? You dare to resist?”

Garrett’s expression darkened, and he spoke with authority.

Chapter 1111 Hostage of Pride

Garrett chuckled coldly, “Open your eyes wide and look around. They’re all my people. If you dare to act out, I guarantee you’ll be riddled with bullets like a hornet’s nest!”

“Dustin, bullets don’t discriminate, so why don’t you surrender gracefully?” smugly said Nakamura.

The people from the Dragonmarsh still had their old habits, always bickering amongst themselves. Of course, this was the situation he hoped to see.

“Dustin, if you don’t want to die, you better surrender right now, or you’ll regret it!” gloated Vivian and her crew.

“Garrett, you’re playing with fire,” warned Dustin with a stern face. “In respect to the old general, I don’t want to harm anyone. If you all leave now, I can pretend nothing happened. But if you insist on protecting the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix folks, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

“Not polite? Haha…” Garrett chuckled, looking at Dustin like he was a fool. “Dustin, what do you think you are? You dare threaten me here? Believe me, with just a word from me, I can make you disappear!”

After saying that, he lightly snapped his fingers. The next second, all the armed soldiers behind him immediately aimed their guns at Dustin.

“Now, I command you to kneel!” Garrett said arrogantly, raising his head and pointing down, as if he had everything under control.

“What did you say?” Dustin replied expressionlessly.

“Are you deaf? I told you to kneel…” Garrett’s words were cut short as Dustin suddenly reached out and grabbed his face, lifting it up. Garrett’s face contorted like it was covered by a giant spider’s web, and his words were all muffled.

Because of the force used, his whole face became distorted.

“Damn!” the crowd exclaimed in shock and then grew furious. However, no one dared to act recklessly while Garrett was being held hostage.

“I can take your life as easily as picking something from my pocket. What makes you think you can make me kneel?” Dustin held Garrett with one hand, his eyes cold and frightening.

Sometimes, the enemy wasn’t to blame, because of differing perspectives. The real culprits were those who worshipped foreigners and bowed to them.

“Dustin! You’re committing a crime and provoking the General’s reataliation” Garrett threatened with a pained expression. “I warn you, release me now, or you’ll pay with your life!”

“As a descendant of the General’s family, you’re nothing but a spineless wimp. You really bring shame to your family. Since your father failed to teach you, I’ll educate you myself!” Dustin said as he suddenly punched Garrett in the abdomen.

Garrett let out a miserable scream, curling up like a shrimp, and the dinner he had just eaten came right back out. But just as it reached his mouth, Dustin’s hand forcefully pushed it back in.

Unable to swallow or vomit it out, he coughed violently, his face turning red, clearly in great discomfort.

“I… I’ll kill you! I’ll definitely kill you!” Garrett hissed through clenched teeth, his face contorted in hatred, nothing like the calm and composed demeanor he had before.

“Is that so?” Dustin sneered, one hand still holding Garrett’s face while the other relentlessly delivered punches to his abdomen, like beating a drum.

One punch after another, hammering his stomach relentlessly, Garrett screamed in agony, convulsing and even losing control of his bladder.

He had completely lost his composure.

Chapter 1112 Cousin’s Conundrum


Just as Dustin was brutally beating Garrett, a melodious shout suddenly rang out from behind.

Dustin turned around to see that Shiela had regained consciousness, her small face showing a mix of shock and disbelief. She hadn’t expected to wake up to such a scene, and she couldn’t understand why her cousin, Dustin, was beating up her cousin, Garrett.

“Dustin, what are you doing?” Shiela furrowed her brow, looking somewhat perplexed.

“Garrett distorted the truth and sided with the enemy. I’m just teaching him a lesson on behalf of the old general, so he doesn’t go down the wrong path and harm himself and others,” Dustin explained plainly.

“Nonsense!” Vivian immediately countered, “Shiela, Dustin here kidnapped you, and we rushed to rescue you. But he turned the tables and assaulted your cousin. Look at him, see what he’s turned your cousin into!”

“Exactly! This guy is treacherous. After we exposed his true colors, he got furious, started a fight, and even threatened to capture me. He’s utterly despicable!” added Chase.

“Dustin, is what they’re saying true?” Shiela looked puzzled.

“Shiela, do you think I’m that kind of person?” Dustin asked in return.

“No, you don’t seem like it,” Shiela shook her head and then asked, “But why did you beat up Garrett so?”

“Nakamura from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix kidnapped you and used you to threaten me. After I dealt with the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix’s warriors, Garrett and his men arrived. This guy, in his effort to please the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, not only shielded Nakamura but also turned against me, accusing me falsely and even threatening to arrest me. Shouldn’t someone like that receive a lesson?” Dustin explained the whole situation in one breath, concluding with a question.

“This…” Shiela was momentarily speechless.

If what Dustin said was true, then her cousin had indeed acted outrageously.

“Shiela! Please don’t be fooled by him. He’s lying!” Garrett, enduring the pain, shouted, “He kidnapped you, and we caught him red-handed. That’s why he attacked me. This guy is a hypocrite!”

As this statement came out, Shiela wavered again.

Her cousin had always been upright and of excellent character. It didn’t make sense for him to engage in such tarnishing activities.

What had really happened?

“Shiela, whether it’s true or not, you can judge for yourself by looking at the bodies on the ground,” Dustin calmly stated. “Those are the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors who kidnapped you. I believe you may have seen some of them before; their tattoos are identical to those on the bodies of these warriors. So, is it true or not? You can decide.”

Hearing this, Shiela carefully examined the scene and indeed recognized some familiar tattoos on the corpses. Although the kidnappers had covered their faces when they abducted her, she had seen a few of these tattoos before. It seemed these Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors were indeed the kidnappers.

“Garrett, these Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors do seem to be the kidnappers. What’s going on?” Shiela furrowed her brow, looking at Garrett.

“Shiela! Don’t be confused!” Garrett had a determined look. “These Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix warriors were all hired by Dustin. He orchestrated this whole act, deliberately having you kidnapped, and then he appeared as the savior to win your favor. This guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

At this, Dustin couldn’t help but sneer, “Garrett, you have no shame. You’re making baseless accusations against me. But what about Nakamura behind you? What role does he play in all of this?”

He had thought that Garrett was cunning, but he didn’t expect him to be so shameless, blatantly lying.

“Humph! Nakamura is the last surviving witness!” Garrett said confidently. “You paid Nakamura to arrange the kidnapping, and now you want to eliminate the evidence by killing him. You’re despicable!”

With that, he gave a meaningful look to Nakamura.

Chapter 1113: The Confrontation

The latter, with a slight pause, quickly responded, filled with admiration.

“Miss Shiela, I apologize for any offense earlier. However, the kidnapping was all funded by Dustin. If I had known Miss Shiela’s identity, I would never have dared to offend.”

Nakamura bowed deeply, showing a sincere apology.

“Shiela, did you hear that? Now there’s solid evidence. Dustin is the real villain!” Garrett added.

“That’s right! I can testify; it’s all Dustin’s scheming!” Vivian chimed in.

“I can vouch for it too! This guy is cunning and ruthless, willing to do anything to get ahead!” Chase joined in agreement.

“We can all testify! Dustin is a murderer trying to cover his tracks!”

At this moment, everyone joined in the condemnation, their voices echoing loudly.

With dozens of mouths speaking one after another, they could make black appear white.

Shiela was left stunned, utterly bewildered.

Already lacking a strong opinion, she now had no idea whom to believe.

“Shiela, every word I’ve spoken is the truth, without a hint of falsehood,” Dustin said seriously.

“Shiela, I’m your cousin, your close blood relative. Would I ever lie to you?” Garrett spoke earnestly.

“Shiela, think carefully. Why would I kidnap you?” Dustin implored.

“Shiela, you’ve known me for so many years. When have I ever lied to you?” Chase added.

“Shiela, stay calm and think. Don’t let anyone deceive you.”

“Shiela, are you going to believe a stranger over your own cousin?”


Dustin and Garrett exchanged heated words, each refusing to yield.

“Stop, please stop!” Shiela covered her ears, crouching on the ground, her face filled with conflict and pain.

She couldn’t tell what was true anymore and didn’t know whom to trust.

One was her cousin, whom she had grown up with, and the other was Dustin, who had helped her multiple times.

She just didn’t know how to choose.


Dustin was about to speak words of comfort when Garrett, who had regained his mobility, suddenly drew a knife from behind and viciously stabbed at Dustin.


Garrett grinned wickedly as he thrust the knife toward Dustin’s chest.

As long as he killed the man before him, who cared who was right or wrong among the dozens of voices?

But “clang!” The tip of the knife, after piercing through Dustin’s clothes, was blocked by Dustin’s protective aura, unable to penetrate even slightly.

“What?” Garrett froze, his face full of astonishment.

His knife was as sharp as it could be, so how could it not pierce through flesh?

“You’re asking for it!”

Dustin’s eyes turned icy as he unleashed a powerful punch into Garrett’s abdomen.


A muffled sound.

Garrett was sent flying more than ten meters away, crashing heavily into a wall and leaving a dent.

He spat out blood from his mouth, hanging on the brink of death.

Chapter 1114: Unforeseen Turbulence


The sudden commotion startled everyone, leaving them in shock. They followed the noise and saw Garrett hanging on the wall, his upper body deeply embedded in the wall, with only his hands and feet protruding outside. Blood sprayed from his nose and mouth, an appalling sight.

“Garrett, young Lord!”

“Young Lord!”

After a momentary daze, the faces of those present turned pale. They rushed forward, pulled Garrett out of the wall, and administered first aid with urgency.

“You, with the Mr Rhys! How dare you harm the Murray family’s young Lord? You have some audacity!” Vivian exclaimed, a mixture of astonishment and anger.

“Dustin! If anything happens to Young Lord Garrett, you won’t escape with just your life!” Chase threatened sternly.

“Are you all blind? It was clearly Garrett who launched a sneak attack. I was merely defending myself,” Dustin stated coldly.

“I didn’t see anything except you attacking someone. I warn you to surrender immediately, or you’ll have nowhere to rest in peace!” Vivian’s expression carried a hint of malevolence.

“That’s right! Surrender immediately!” Chase echoed.


Dustin snorted dismissively, not bothering to engage further.

Garrett initiated the attack, and had Dustin not reacted swiftly, activating his protective aura in advance, that blade would have struck a fatal blow.

Although martial masters were impervious to blades and bullets, the prerequisite was having a protective aura. Without it, their physical bodies couldn’t withstand sharp weapons.

“Shiela, did you witness what just happened? This guy lacks martial ethics; he attacked your cousin without provocation, intending to eliminate him!” Vivian began to incite emotions.

“Yes, Shiela! Dustin is scheming and malicious. Your cousin merely argued logically, and he resorted to ruthless violence. It’s utterly despicable!” Chase continued to fan the flames.


Shiela was dumbfounded, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Why? Why did you harm someone?”

No matter how you looked at it, Garrett was her cousin, and Dustin’s attack was intended to take a life.

It was simply too ruthless!

“Shiela, it was Garrett who attacked me first. My response was purely instinctual,” Dustin explained.

By this time, the knife Garrett had used was discreetly taken by Vivian.

“He attacked you?”

Shiela scrutinized Dustin but found no signs of injury. Disappointment filled her eyes. “Dustin, are you still lying to me? Do you think I’m so gullible that I can be easily deceived? Yes, I might be naive, but my eyesight is still intact! If you had no ulterior motives, why would you resort to violence? I’ve always believed you were a good person and trusted you. But why? Why did you lie to me?”

As she spoke, tears welled up in Shiela’s eyes.

She had hesitated to believe it before, still clinging to hope. However, she had witnessed Dustin’s attack firsthand.

Now, she had to question his motives.

Could it be that, as her father had claimed, Dustin had approached her solely to advance within the General’s household? Were their prior encounters and his acts of saving lives all an act? Were they part of a hidden agenda?

“Shiela, what are you saying?”

Dustin furrowed his brows slightly, his tone serious. “I have never lied to you, nor have I ever considered you foolish. I genuinely regarded you as a friend.”


Chapter 1115: The Unraveling Trust

Shiela chuckled self-deprecatingly. “If you truly considered me a friend, why did you harm my cousin? Why did you kidnap me? Why did you do all these things?”

“I…” Dustin was momentarily tongue-tied. He had explained the situation twice, but it was evident that Shiela didn’t believe him. Or perhaps, she already saw him as a criminal. No matter how he explained or proved himself now, it wouldn’t make a difference. Once the seed of doubt was sown, trust was irrevocably lost. He had learned this lesson long ago.

“What’s the matter? Can’t find the words? Realizing you’re in the wrong?”

“It seems my father was right. Your previous actions were all fake, all with ulterior motives, all for your own gain!”

“I thought you were someone special, unlike those ordinary people who crave vanity.”

“But now I see I was wrong, terribly wrong.”

“You’re no different from those who intentionally got close to me. You’re just better at disguising yourself, better at deceiving people.”

“You’ve fooled me, a naive fool, made me unable to distinguish the truth, and nearly turned me against my family!”

“Dustin! I hate you! I hate you!”

Shiela almost shouted the last sentence, tears streaming uncontrollably down her face. She had approached Dustin with sincerity, believing she would receive the same in return, but all she got was deception.

She couldn’t understand what she had done wrong.

In the face of her accusations, Dustin first seemed surprised, then shook his head with a faint smile. He knew that Shiela had already made her choice. When it came to family versus friends, she had chosen family. That was understandable, so there was no point in getting angry.

“Miss Murray, I’m sorry to have disappointed you,” Dustin said without explaining or defending himself further. His gaze gradually turned cold. “Actually, you’re right. I am someone who craves vanity, just an ordinary person. But I have never lied to you. Of course, that doesn’t matter anymore.”

“I have nothing else to say to you. I just hope you’ll be more cautious in the future and be careful of the people around you. Otherwise, you might end up in trouble.”

“Now that you’re safe, I’ve fulfilled my duty to General Murray. Your future path is up to you alone. No one can help you.”

“Take care of yourself. Goodbye.”

With those words, Dustin turned and walked away without any hesitation, and the powerful pressure emanating from him forced everyone to make way for him.


As she watched Dustin’s departing figure, Shiela suddenly felt anxious. She reached out her hand as if to stop him but didn’t know how to say what was on her mind.

She had a vague premonition that she might have missed something important.

The relationship between the two, which had finally been brought closer, was completely shattered in this moment. From now on, they would become strangers.

“Shiela, I’ve told you before, Dustin is not a good person. Now that you’ve seen his true colors, it’s finally clear. Keep your distance from him in the future. This kind of trash is not worthy of you!” Vivian added fuel to the fire.

“That’s right, Shiela.Dustinckily, you’ve realized it in time. Otherwise, if you continue to be deceived by him, you’ll definitely regret it. You saw it just now; this guy was willing to commit murder in public. He’s simply evil!” Chase continued to provoke.


Shiela sighed lightly, her expression complex. Although she felt a bit upset, she ultimately restrained herself. In the end, the difference between them was too great. Even without these events, they couldn’t have had a deep connection. They simply belonged to different worlds.

Chapter 1116: The Agonizing Wait

“Young Lord! Wake up!”

A cry of alarm interrupted Shiela’s thoughts. She turned to see that Garrett, who had been severely injured, had fallen into unconsciousness.

“Garrett!” Shiela was taken aback and quickly rushed to check on his condition.

Dustin’s punch had distorted Garrett’s abdomen, and he lay there on the brink of death.

“That damn Dustin, how dare he injure Young Lord Garrett like this? He’s gone too far!” Vivian gritted her teeth.

“If that guy hadn’t run away so quickly, I would’ve killed him!” Chase vented his anger.

They couldn’t win in a fight against him, but that didn’t stop them from expressing their anger.

“Quick! Rush him to the hospital!”

Seeing the dire situation, Shiela immediately called for help and had Garrett taken to the Blue Hills Hospital.

At the hospital, doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to save his life.

It wasn’t until late at night that Garrett finally stabilized.

If Dustin hadn’t held back and left a glimmer of hope, he would have died long ago.

At this moment, in the special ward…

Garrett lay in a coma, his face as pale as paper.

Caden and the others waited anxiously by his side, their expressions grim.

Recently, there had been too many accidents involving the Murray family.

First, Morgan was kicked by a horse, then Caden was injured and hospitalized, and now it was Garrett’s turn.

What was crucial was that all these accidents seemed to have Dustin’s shadow behind them.

“Garrett! How is he?”

At this moment, Max rushed into the ward, his face haggard.

After a busy day, he had just rested, but now he heard the bad news about his son.

“Big brother, don’t be too worried. Garrett has already passed the critical stage.” Caden tried to reassure him.

“Who? Who did this to my son?!” Max gritted his teeth.

As the head of the Murray family, he was almost unrivaled in the entire Millsburg.

Whoever dared to harm his son was truly seeking death.

“It’s Dustin.”

Caden didn’t hide anything. “That kid has no respect for his superiors, and he even severely injured Garrett. He completely disregarded our Murray family!”


Max’s face darkened. “That damn beast! He harmed my daughter before, and now he’s injured my son. I’ll make sure he’s torn to pieces!”

His daughter had just been admitted to the hospital yesterday, and now his son was in the same situation.

Facing such a double blow, his anger was boundless.

“Big brother, please calm down. What I’m saying is for your own good.”

Caden had a serious expression. “Don’t forget, tomorrow is our father’s birthday. Although it doesn’t need to be celebrated grandly, there will definitely be many guests coming and going. If you make a big fuss now, it will not only damage the family’s reputation but also put you in a difficult position in front of our father.”

At these words, Max immediately furrowed his brows.

While he was eager to tear Dustin apart, it was indeed not suitable to cause a commotion on such an important occasion.

The birthday celebration of their father was of utmost importance to the Murray family, and countless eyes were watching.

If news of today’s events were to spread, it would not only damage the family’s prestige but also incur their father’s displeasure.

“Young brother, you’ve said so much. Do you have any good suggestions?” Max asked.

“Use the power of Murray family, but it’s best not to arouse suspicion. In my opinion, it’s better to seek help from the Martial Alliance.”

Caden lowered his voice. “The Martial Alliance has many hidden experts, and if we spend some money, we can easily deal with that kid. Why not take advantage of it? We don’t need to do it ourselves.”

“What do you mean?” Max asked, his interest piqued.

“If we handle it ourselves, we might attract unnecessary attention and trouble. But if we ask the Martial Alliance for help, it will be more discreet. We can use their strength to deal with Dustin, and our Murray family won’t be directly involved,” Caden explained.

“That makes sense. Let’s do that then.”

Max nodded in agreement. If they handled it themselves, it might indeed cause unnecessary trouble. Using the Martial Alliance to deal with Dustin was a more prudent choice.

Chapter 1117: A Bold Entrance

Max nodded thoughtfully. “Alright, I’ll leave this matter to you. Find a few formidable experts and get rid of Dustin for me!”

Why use a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Matters that could be resolved with money didn’t require their direct involvement.

“No problem.”

Caden curled his lips. After all, it was Max’s order. If anything went wrong, he could avoid blame from their father.

The next day, in the morning.

In front of the General Murray’s Residence, it was exceptionally lively.

Guests came and went, and the scene was bustling.

Today was General Murray’s birthday.

Although he had retired from the political stage, he had once been a powerful figure, with unrivaled influence.

His disciples and students were spread across the world.

Looking across the entire Balermo region, no one dared to disrespect or disobey him.

However, General Murray had always kept a low profile and disliked extravagance. Therefore, every time he celebrated his birthday, he only invited a few close friends and relatives.

Of course, there were always some uninvited guests.

At this moment, at the entrance of the General Murray’s Residence…

A black sedan slowly pulled up.

The car door opened, and Dustin stepped out with Cornelius, holding a congratulatory gift in his hands.

“Young Lord, last night you nearly beat Garrett to death, and today you’re here to congratulate Murray’s birthday. Aren’t you afraid that the Murray family will turn their backs on you?” Cornelius couldn’t help but ask.

The General Murray’s Residence was heavily guarded, not unlike a tiger’s den or a dragon’s lair. Once you entered, it was not easy to leave.

“General Murray is a reasonable person. Right and wrong are clear, I believe he should understand.” Dustin said indifferently.

Although he had beaten Garrett, it did not prevent him from congratulating General Murray on his birthday.

“Hopefully, that’s the case.” Cornelius said with a solemn expression.

If General Murray was reasonable, that would be the best. What they were most afraid of was that he would value his grandson too much and act unreasonably.

By then, they would be walking into a trap.

“Let’s go in.”

Dustin didn’t waste any time and handed over the invitation. Then, he walked into the General Murray’s Residence with Cornelius.

The guests who could enter the General Murray’s Residence were not many, but each one was a prominent figure.

Either they were high-ranking officials in the court, wealthy tycoons in the city, or local officials.

Today’s seemingly ordinary banquet was actually the gathering of the top figures in Balermo.


As soon as Dustin entered the banquet hall, he bumped into several familiar faces.

They were none other than Shiela, Vivian, Chase, and others.

They had been chatting and laughing, but as soon as they met Dustin at the entrance, they froze in place.

“You… why are you here?”

Shiela was stunned for a moment.

Ever since she and Dustin had a falling out last night, she had been feeling empty inside and had almost stayed up all night.

Seeing him suddenly, she felt at a loss for words.

“Dustin! You have the audacity to show up at the General Murray’s Residence after almost beating Garrett to death yesterday! Aren’t you afraid that the Murray family will disown you?” Vivian scolded angrily.

“Is that so?!”

Max’s face darkened. “That damn beast! He harmed my daughter before, and now he’s injured my son. I’ll make sure he’s torn to pieces!”

His daughter had just been admitted to the hospital yesterday, and now his son was in the same situation.

Facing such a double blow, his anger was boundless.

“Big brother, please calm down. What I’m saying is for your own good.”

Caden had a serious expression. “Don’t forget, it is our father’s birthday. Although it doesn’t need to be celebrated grandly, there will definitely be many guests coming and going. If you make a big fuss now, it will not only damage the family’s reputation but also put you in a difficult position in front of our father.”

At these words, Max immediately furrowed his brows.

While he was eager to tear Dustin apart, it was indeed not suitable to cause a commotion on such an important occasion.

The birthday celebration of their father was of utmost importance to the Murray family, and countless eyes were watching.

If news of today’s events were to spread, it would not only damage the family’s prestige but also incur their father’s displeasure.

Chapter 1118: A Showdown at the General Murray’s Residence

“I’ve come to congratulate General Murray on his birthday. I don’t want trouble, so please step aside,” Dustin said calmly in response to the threats and insults.

“Congratulate him? Hmph! Are you even qualified?” Vivian sneered. “What kind of person are you? What gives you the right to congratulate General Murray? If it weren’t for Shiela’s face, do you think you could enter the General Murray’s Residence? Stop dreaming!”

“That’s right! Look around with your big eyes. Among the people here to congratulate General Murray, who isn’t an important figure? You, a lowly insurance salesman, what qualifications do you have to stand with us?” Chase added disdainfully.

Shiela remained silent, gazing at Dustin with mixed emotions on her face. The events of last night had already strained their relationship, and the sight of Garrett lying in the hospital bed filled her with resentment.

“I advise you not to underestimate others,” Dustin replied with indifference. “I can enter because I received an invitation. As for my identity and qualifications, it has nothing to do with you.”

“Invitation? Hmph, who knows if you stole it or snatched it? A scum like you could do anything!” Vivian continued to disdainfully taunt him.

“Dustin, don’t delude yourself with grandeur. We all know your true identity, and you’re not worthy to stand here with us!” Chase said, his voice full of contempt.

Dustin finally showed some impatience. “Are you two done bickering?”

He stared at them with icy, piercing eyes. “I’m not close to either of you. What I do is none of your business. If you dare to speak out of line again, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

His sudden outburst left Vivian momentarily stunned. Dustin had always been silent in the face of her taunts in the past, as if he hadn’t heard a word.

She had initially assumed that he was too afraid to retort. However, his recent words and fierce gaze made her suddenly realize that he was not an easy target to provoke.

Garrett’s condition was a clear example of that.

If Dustin were to lose control and attack them recklessly, there was little they could do to stop him.

“Are you… you dare to be so arrogant!”

Dustin’s unexpected burst of anger caught Vivian off guard.

Although she had taunted Dustin in the past, he had always remained silent, seemingly unfazed. This sudden display of assertiveness made her realize that he was not as weak as she had thought.

” Dustin, I advise you not to be too bold! This is the General Murray’s Residence, do you dare to cause trouble here?” Chase warned with a stern tone.

“That’s right! I don’t believe you would dare to act recklessly here!” Vivian regained her confidence.

The General Murray’s Residence was heavily guarded, and even if Dustin had the audacity, he wouldn’t dare to make a scene openly.

Thinking of this, she became more self-assured.

“Are you under the impression that your lives are more precious than Garrett’s?” Dustin’s voice grew colder as he slowly advanced.

His intense killing intent pressured the group, causing their faces to change, and they quickly took a few steps back.

“Hold on!”

Shiela suddenly stepped forward, her face filled with anger. “Dustin, I won’t allow you to harm my friend after hurting my cousin. I absolutely won’t allow it!”

As Shiela spoke, she positioned herself in front of her friends, resolute and determined.

Facing her, Dustin paused for a moment, his expression slightly softening as he looked at her.

Chapter 1119: Exile or Respect

Shiela hadn’t expected Dustin to be so unreasonable, resorting to violence at the drop of a hat. She realized that she had completely misjudged him.

She had mistaken a villain for a good person.

At this moment, her disgust for Dustin deepened.

“Miss Murray, it was just a joke. Don’t take it so seriously. As long as they don’t provoke me, I won’t do anything to them,” Dustin said calmly.

“Hmph! You looked like you were joking just now? If it weren’t for Shiela stopping you, you might have already made a move!” Vivian was still indignant.

“Dustin! Don’t think that you can act arrogantly just because you have some martial arts skills. The General Murray’s Residence is not a place for you to run wild!” Chase said with a dark expression.

“When others don’t offend me, I won’t offend them. But if they provoke me, I will definitely strike back. This is my advice to you, and I’m giving it to you for free,” Dustin said, his expression unchanged.

“Shiela! This guy is too arrogant. In my opinion, we should just kick him out. Otherwise, it will only lead to trouble!” Vivian continued to fan the flames.

“That’s right! I don’t believe that he would dare to cause trouble here today! It’s General Murray’s birthday celebration, and there are many important guests here. If this guy causes trouble, it will bring shame to the entire Murray family!” Chase agreed.

“Shiela, think about the bigger picture. It’s best to drive this guy away. Otherwise, it will bring endless trouble!” the others chimed in with their persuasion.

“Dustin! You are not welcome here. Please leave!” Shiela finally issued the eviction order.

Her friends were right. If this guy caused trouble here and harmed someone, it would ruin the entire birthday celebration.

“Drive me away?”

Dustin raised an eyebrow, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face. “Miss Murray, they are guests, and I am also a guest. They can say whatever they want, and you want to kick me out just like that. Is that appropriate?”

He had once considered Shiela as a little sister, and even when they had misunderstandings, he had no resentment. He believed that even if they couldn’t be friends, they should at least treat each other with respect. But now, he realized he was wrong.

Once people had preconceived notions, they would become stubborn and could eventually become enemies.

Her actions now vividly illustrated this point.

He had saved her several times, but in return, he received an order to leave.

“I didn’t invite you, and you are not a guest of the Murray family. I have the right to ask you to leave!” Shiela replied with determination.

“Miss Murray, you didn’t invite me, but your grandfather did. If you want me to leave, you should ask your grandfather if he agrees,” Dustin said calmly.

“You—” Shiela was somewhat infuriated.

She hadn’t expected him to be so thick-skinned, refusing to leave even after being ordered to do so. Moreover, he had invoked her grandfather’s name to pressure her.

“Shiela! Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense. How could he possibly know General Murray? He’s just being shameless!” Vivian continued to provoke.

“Shiela, you don’t need to argue with him. Just tell someone to kick him out!” Chase suggested.

“Dustin! If you don’t leave, don’t blame me for calling someone!” Shiela’s gaze turned sharp as she spoke sternly.

“Shiela! You’re going too far!”

Finally, Cornelius couldn’t hold back any longer and scolded her angrily. “Our young Lord has saved you multiple times, and you’re not even grateful. Now you want to return kindness with enmity? Are the people of the Murray family all ungrateful?”


This statement left Shiela speechless.

Chapter 1120: Face-off

“Shiela! They are distorting the truth!”

Seeing that things were not going well, Vivian started causing trouble again. “All that talk about saving you from water and fire, and returning kindness with enmity, it’s all nonsense! Dustin had ulterior motives from the beginning. He used various strategies and calculations to win your favor. Everything he did, all the favors he gave, were fake. Don’t let yourself be deceived!”

“That’s right! This guy is full of sinister intentions and is not a good person. We must be on our guard at all times!” Chase squinted his eyes.

Listening to their words, the slight guilt that had arisen in Shiela’s heart disappeared instantly.

Yes, Dustin had saved her and helped her, but it was all for a purpose. It couldn’t be considered as favors. If it weren’t for last night when she uncovered his true colors, she might still be kept in the dark.

In the end, Dustin had deceived her, and she didn’t need to feel guilty, grateful, or soft-hearted.

Thinking of this, Shiela took a deep breath and looked at Dustin with determination. “Dustin! I don’t want to see you here. Please leave!”


Just as Cornelius was about to lose his temper, Dustin raised his hand to stop him and looked at Shiela with disappointment and indifference. “Miss Murray, it seems that you really dislike me. Since that’s the case, I won’t stay here and be a nuisance. I’ll take my leave.”

With that, he turned and walked toward the exit.

Shiela was determined to kick him out, and there was no point in him staying here, clinging to her. As for congratulating General Murray on his birthday, his intention had been conveyed, and he didn’t need to force it.

“Hmph! It’s about time he left. He’s just bad luck!” Vivian said with a disdainful expression.

“Immediately inform the head of the Murray security. Once Dustin leaves, arrest him right away!” Chase ordered his men to report the incident.

Although they couldn’t disrupt the banquet, it didn’t mean that Dustin could get away with it after beating the Murray family’s eldest son.

“General Murray is here!”

Just as Dustin walked out of the banquet hall, a cry suddenly rang out.

Following that, under the gaze of numerous stars, a white-haired, burly figure, General Murray, walked in with a group of people.

Wherever he passed, the guests respectfully bowed and paid their respects.

Without any action or words, just standing there exuded an invisible majesty.

It made people feel awe.

“Greetings, General Murray!”

With General Murray’s arrival, everyone promptly left the hall to greet him, showing enough respect.

Whether they were high-ranking officials or local tycoons, in the presence of such a prominent figure, they all had to lower their heads and behave properly.

The previously defiant Vivian and the others were now silent and dared not even breathe loudly.

Only Shiela happily walked up and linked arms with General Murray, treating the imposing general as nothing more than a kind old man in her eyes.

In the eyes of others, he might have the air of a dragon and a tiger, but to her, he was just a benevolent grandpa.

“You don’t need to be too polite, everyone please find your way in,” General Murray said with a slight smile.

Although he didn’t exude any majesty, he still gave people immense pressure.

Including his son, Max, who was now the head of the family, and others from the main branch, all behaved very respectfully.

Finally, under General Murray’s invitation, everyone entered the hall one after another.

Just as Dustin was preparing to leave, General Murray’s gaze fell upon him, catching him in the act. He immediately spoke, “Little guy, where are you going?”

With this statement, everyone’s eyes were focused on Dustin.


Max, who had just entered the hall, fixed his gaze and instantly wore a gloomy expression.

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